st. peter's cathedral, bandung artinya
- st.: jalan
- bandung: kota bandung; bandung
- st peter's cathedral, hamilton: katedral st. peter, hamilton, new zealand
- cathedral of st. peter and paul, brno: katedral santo petrus dan paulus, brno
- st. peter and st. paul's cathedral, tallinn: katedral santo petrus dan paulus, tallinn
- smu st. aloysius bandung: sma santo aloysius bandung
- st. peter: simon peter; simon petrus; peter; saint peter; st. peter
- cathedral of saints peter and paul: katedral santo petrus dan paulus
- cathedral of st. john the divine: katedral st. john the divine, new york
- cathedral of st. sophia, novgorod: katedral santa sofia, novgorod
- st andrew's cathedral, singapore: katedral st andrew, singapura; katedral santo andreas, singapura
- st bavo's cathedral, ghent: katedral santo bavo, gent
- st martin's cathedral, bratislava: katedral santo martinus, bratislava
- st mary's cathedral, sydney: katedral st mary
- st patrick's cathedral, dublin: katedral santo patrick, dublin